What’s The Perfect Hot Tub Temperature For Comfort And Safety?

Have you ever wondered about the perfect temperature for your hot tub for both comfort and safety? Managing your hot tub’s temperature isn’t just about personal comfort – it’s crucial for your health and safety.

This guide will explore the optimal hot tub temperature, why it’s important, and provide expert advice on balancing comfort and safety. If you’re looking for advice on enhancing your hot tub experience, you’re in the right place.

So, if you’re seeking a relaxing, yet safe hot tub experience, this is your must-read guide. Get ready to discover more and redefine your hot tub sessions.

average hot tub temperature

Quick Answer:

For a safe and enjoyable hot tub experience, keep the temperature between 100-104 degrees Fahrenheit (37- 40° Celcius) when in use. If you’re not using it, drop the temperature to 80-85°F (26-29°C) degrees to save energy and keep the water fresh.

Be careful, too much heat can cause health issues like dehydration, sunburn, or even heat stroke. To keep your tub in top shape and save energy, use a good insulator and a cover, and remember to do regular maintenance.

Why Your Average Hot Tub Temperature Matters

Laying in a hot tub feels awesome because it’s warmer than our body’s average temp of 98.6°F (37°C). The warm water helps us relax, eases muscle tension, and helps us shake off a stressful day.

But, like everything good in life, there can be downsides. Staying in hot water too long can make you overheat, causing you to feel sick, faint, or even get heat stroke if you don’t get out in time.

This is super important for kids and older folks, as their bodies aren’t as good at handling the heat.

The average temperature of a hot tub also affects the water chemistry and keeping it clean. Bacteria and other water-borne pathogens thrive in warm water – that’s why we spend so much time choosing hot tub sanitizers and on maintenance!

Heat exhaustion, heat stroke, dehydration, sunburn, and heat cramps are some of the common health issues that can arise from spending too much time in a hot tub with high temperatures.

How long should you stay in a hot tub? See that guide for details – but most recommend 15 to 30 minutes. The higher the average temperature, the less time you should stay in.

Heat exhaustion can cause dizziness, nausea, and fatigue, while heat stroke can be life-threatening and lead to organ damage. Dehydration is another risk, as the hot water can cause excessive sweating and fluid loss.

Sounds scary! You do need to be aware of these risks but most people will never have problems as long as they follow simple guidelines and be sensible.


When using a hot tub, it’s important to consider the temperature for optimal comfort and relaxation. The recommended temperature for a hot tub when in use is typically between 100 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit or 37- 40° Celcius.

This range allows for a soothing and therapeutic experience for most people, promoting muscle relaxation and stress relief. However, there are times when you should adjust the temperature – that’s next.

What’s A Good Temperature When In Use?

The ideal temperature for a hot tub when in use is usually between 100 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range is comfortable for most people and promotes relaxation while providing numerous health benefits.

As always there are other factors to think about. Most hot tub heaters are set to not heat the water to more than 104°F or 40° Celcius. This makes sense for safety and comfort.

I know from experience that a spa at 104° is just about the limit of what I feel comfortable with. I prefer the water to be in the range of 100 to 102°F. But other things influence the temperature.

People with health conditions. If you suffer from any major health conditions it is a good idea to consult with your doctor before using a hot tub. Conditions like heart disease and high blood pressure can be an issue. Don’t take unnecessary risks with your health!

In most cases lowering the temperature of your spa and not staying in too long will still allow you to enjoy a hot tub session.

Pregnant women and hot tub use. It’s recommended that during pregnancy the hot tub water temperature should be reduced below 100°F. Again, everyone is different but I’d suggest having a conversation with a medical professional before using a hot tub.

There are certain guidelines around kids using hot tubs – I cover that section below.

just right temperature

Hot Tub Temperature – When Not In Use

If you use your hot tub a few times per week it’s better to keep the temperature constant. Lowering and raising the temperature is not efficient. It’s more energy-efficient to keep the tub at a constant temperature especially if you have good insulation and a cover.

If you aren’t going to be using the hot tub for any extended period it can be sensible to lower the temperature to conserve energy.

Maintaining your hot tub at an ideal range of 80-85°F (26-29°C) when not in use is recommended. This temperature strikes a balance between conserving energy and ensuring good water quality.

If you are going on vacation or know you aren’t going to use your tub for a while I would recommend closing your hot tub. Closing means turning it off and draining it.

At time like this you don’t need to go as far as winterizing your hot tub – only do this when closing for the winter and to protect your tub from frost damage.

You should be changing the water every 3-4 months anyway so to me it makes sense to do this if you aren’t using it for a while. You’ll save money on heating and after a quick clean and fill you’ll have great water quality when you are ready to use your tub again.

Can Kids Use a Hot Tub Safely?

Children can safely enjoy a hot tub and most love it! Try keeping them out lol. However, it’s important to follow hot tub safety guidelines and take necessary precautions to ensure their well-being.

First and foremost, an adult should always be present to monitor the children and ensure their safety.

Young kids can’t regulate their body temperatures as well as adults. If your kids are going to use the hot tub it’s recommended to lower the temperature to a safe level.

The ideal temperature for children is between 95-98 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything higher can pose a risk of overheating or dehydration.

It’s also important to limit their time in the hot tub to prevent any discomfort or adverse effects. Taking these hot tub precautions will ensure that children can enjoy the hot tub safely.

Moving on to the effects of weather conditions…

high temperature weather

The Effects of Weather Conditions

Climate factors play a significant role in how your hot tub feels and operates. Temperature regulation becomes important as seasonal variations can impact your comfort.

In colder climates, you may need to make weather-related adjustments to maintain a comfortable hot tub temperature. For instance, you might need to increase the temperature setting during winter months to counteract the cold air.

On the other hand, in hotter climates, you may want to lower the temperature to avoid overheating.

Understanding the relationship between weather and your hot tub’s performance can enhance your overall enjoyment. You should adjust your temperature regime to suit the weather conditions throughout the year.

Remember, it’s not meant to be an endurance test. Keep the temperature comfortable and enjoyable rather than sticking to a certain number!

Travel Story!

We usually focus on heating a hot tub to get the ideal temperature but sometimes you need to think about cooling for comfort!

We stayed at a house in North Bali that had a beautiful hot tub. We all climbed in and couldn’t believe how hot it was! The sea temperature there sits around 83°F but the hot tub was sitting in full sun with no shade! And it was after a long hot spell.

It was incredibly uncomfortable – the hottest bath ever! A super hot tub is not a pleasant experience.

Energy Efficiency Tips For Your Hot Tub

To maximize energy efficiency while still keeping your comfort in mind, consider implementing these tips for your hot tub.

  • One of the most effective energy-saving tips is to invest in good insulation options for your hot tub. Proper insulation can help to reduce heat loss and maintain the desired temperature for a longer period of time.
  • Using a hot tub cover when the tub is not in use can also help conserve energy by preventing heat loss.
  • Another energy-saving option is to regulate the temperature of your hot tub. Lowering the temperature by just a few degrees can significantly reduce power consumption.
  • If you’re looking for a more sustainable option, consider using solar heating for your hot tub. This eco-friendly alternative harnesses the power of the sun to heat your tub, reducing energy consumption even further.

By implementing these energy-saving tips, you can enjoy your hot tub while minimizing environmental impact.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I adjust the temperature of my hot tub?

Most modern hot tubs have a simple control panel where you can easily adjust the temperature. Some models even have apps that allow you to adjust the temperatures remotely using your smartphone.

What temperature should a hot tub be overnight?

There is no need to change your hot tub temperature setting overnight. It is more energy-efficient to maintain a constant temperature.

What are the potential health risks of using a hot tub at high temperatures?

Potential side effects of using a hot tub at high temperatures include dehydration, dizziness, and heat stroke. To avoid overheating risks, it is important to limit the time spent in the hot tub and stay hydrated. Pregnant women and those with high blood pressure should consult their doctor before using a hot tub.

Can I use my hot tub if I have a medical condition or take medication that affects body temperature regulation?

We can’t provide medical advice, but it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before using hot tub therapy if you have a medical condition or take medication that affects body temperature regulation. They can provide guidance on temperature control and managing your specific conditions and medication effects.

To Finish Off

Soaking in a hot tub can be a relaxing, therapeutic experience, but there’s a sweet spot when it comes to the perfect temperature. Whether it’s a chilly winter evening or a hot summer afternoon, maintaining a comfortable and safe temperature is paramount for your health and enjoyment.

From taking care of youngsters to safeguarding against health risks, it’s essential to keep these guidelines in mind as you enjoy your hot tub.

After all, understanding and managing your hot tub temperature can transform a good soak into a great one. So, here’s to many more soothing, safe, and stress-free hot tub sessions!

michael keenan author

Author - Michael Keenan

I'm Michael Keenan the owner and creator of the Outdoor Care Guide. I'm a trained horticulturist with over 30 years of experience in pool care, plant care, and landscape care! Seemed like a good idea to share - I think I can make your life easier and save you some time and money!